

The fastest and most convenient way of purchase. You need to register for on-line purchases. On your account, you will be able to see clearly all of the tickets you have bought, and make reservations.

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At the Ticket Office

Municipal House
nám. Republiky 5, Praha 1

Tel.: + 420 222 002 336
Fax: + 420 222 322 501
E-mail: pokladna@fok.cz

Opening hours
Mo-Fr: 10:00–18:00

The FOK Ticket Office is on the ground floor of the Municipal House on the left behind the main staircase.

On the concert day in the Smetana Hall the Ticket Office in the Municipal House is open until 19:30 (‘today concert’ tickets only).

Remaining tickets can be bought at full price, an hour before concerts, at appropriate concert venues.



We accept payment in cash.
At the Municipal House and at the Church of St. Simon and St. Jude Ticket Offices card payment is accepted, but at other venues only cash payment is possible. At the Municipal House Ticket Office we accept the following vouchers: Cheque Déjeuner: Unišek, Unišek plus, Cadhoc. Once purchased, tickets are non-returnable and non-exchangeable.

Terms and conditions